Make sure information you provide is more permanent. For example, your job title might change soon and you’ll be stuck with lots of useless cards.
Don’t forget the backside of the card, a wonderful place to add a slogan, certifications, photo or any other marketing info. Do not UV (gloss) coat the back of your card if you plan on jotting down information.
Proofread several times. If possible have a colleague give his/her final proof.
A few more designs. To view all templates click here >
We highly recommend 16pt paper. It’s just the right balance between too thin and too thick. Thin feels flimsy and cheap. Too thick and you’ll have a hard time managing the large stack of business cards you bring along to your next event. Splurge a bit by going with silk coating. We start with our premium paper and coat it with a silk laminate. If you desire you may add a second coat of spot UV (gloss) to give a rich polished look. Plastic could be another alternative. Perfect for the dive instructor, programmer, florist or anybody trying to look different.
Consider customizing your design when attending an important event. For example, write “We met at comdex” (comdex being the event) on the back of the card. That way, people will make a mental connection where you met. The extra cost could pay off well. It’s especially easy when utilizing our on-line designer. Save a design in different versions for later use or customization. Also, print a smaller batch for such an event and you won’t break the piggy-bank.
Inspector business card is a great design, but, sometimes you need that professional touch to fully customize to your needs. We can help you, just contact us. Let’s say you wish to have UV (gloss) coating across a certain area of the design, we can do that for you. Maybe you envision a logo with your initials, we are here for you. In any case, don’t settle for mediocre. You only get one chance to make a good impression.